
用户讨论:Jienji VANG

okcih Wikipedia

Welcome to Vigibakgoh Vahcuengh, Jienji VANG! ––虞海 2011年2月25日 (Ngux) 17:50 (UTC)[回复]

Tiagkällie Puutôô Quaangcí


阁下可以到incubator:Wp/zyj去贡献田阳壮语(右江土语)。--虞海 2011年2月25日 (Ngux) 17:50 (UTC)[回复]


您好,冒昧地问一下:是阁下的前身吗?虞海 2011年2月25日 (Ngux) 18:03 (UTC)[回复]

Translated logo for this wiki


Hello! We have noticed that your wiki's current logo is not translated. We are trying to help Wikipedias get a localised logo, by taking the technical difficulties on us. We currently don't know how to translate "Wikipedia" and "The Free Encyclopedia" to the language of this wiki: it would be really helpful if you could just add the correct translations to the list of logos or tell us on its talk. When we have them, we'll create and enable the logo for you. Feel free to translate this message and to move/copy/forward it where appropriate. Thanks, Nemo 2013年3月16日 (Loeg) 01:47 (UTC)[回复]