
996 gunghcoz cidu

okcih Wikipedia

996 gunghcoz ciduSawgun:996工作制), dwg aen cidu hong Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz mbangj di gunghswh(公司) saedhengz haenx. Gunghswh iugouz yenzgungh(员工) moix singhgiz hong 6 ngoenz, daj haet 9 diemj hong daengz gyanghaemh 9 diemj, couh dwg moix singhgiz 72 cungdaeuz.[1] [2]

Doeg Wnq

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Vwnzyen Doiqciuq

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  1. 赵昂 (2018-06-03). "不接受"996"是不能吃苦?媒体:合法权益应获保障". 新华网 (in Vahgun). 工人日报. Archived from the original on 2019-03-31. Retrieved 2019-03-30. 
  2. 刘佳, ed. (2019-01-31). "默认996工作制背后:被撕掉的焦虑遮羞布". 第一财经 (in Vahgun). Archived from the original on 2019-03-31. Retrieved 2019-03-31. 

Lienzciep Baihrog

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